Tianjin University

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Anniversary|Celebration the Fourth Anniversary of TICNN

Anniversary|Celebration the Fourth Anniversary of TICNN

On July 23, 2022, the TICNN members celebrated the fourth anniversary of the center
Publication|Topography Mapping with Scanning Electrochemical Cell Microscopy

Publication|Topography Mapping with Scanning Electrochemical Cell Microscopy

Publication|Optically transparent ultrathin NiCo alloy oxide film: Precise oxygen vacancy modulation and control for enhanced electrocatalysis of water oxidation

Publication|Optically transparent ultrathin NiCo alloy oxide film: Precise oxygen vacancy modulation and control for enhanced electrocatalysis of water oxida...



Congratulations to the TICNN self-built Optoelectronic Spectrometer (Dragon) running successfully on February 4, 2021
Breakthrough|Neutral Cluster Beam

Breakthrough|Neutral Cluster Beam

Celebration of the Neutral Cluster Beam Spectrometer independently developed by TICNN successfully running on November 19, 2020 for the first time!
Research|SiC-based epitaxial graphene electronics

Research|SiC-based epitaxial graphene electronics

 TICNN can realize the full-process of SiC-based epitaxial graphene electronic devices

The Tianjin International Center for Nanoparticles and Nanosystems (TICNN) is committed to creating an innovative and international academic environment, as well as building a new type of international research center which will produce world-class research and serve as a high-end scientific and technological personnel training platform. The TICNN currently has an international research team from three different continents and mainly focusing on graphene electronics, cluster physics, chemistry, high-precision mass spectrometry, photoelectron spectroscopy and micro-environmental science.

The cluster lab equipped the cutting-edge experimental apparatus of both mass and photoelectron spectrometers, seek and uncover the physical and chemical mechanisms behind cluster transitions and other related phenomena.
The graphene lab is state of the art, inherit the vast experiences from Dr. Walter de Heer, and fully staffed by students, focus on unveiling the physical world around epi-graphene and other low-dimensional condensed matters.
The chemistry section of TICNN mainly focusing on the sustainable energy related exploration both on the technology and fundamental science. Main projects include developing new approaches for multiple dimensional operando tools unveiling the physical mechanism of photo-catalysis process with femtosecond temporal and subnanometer spatial resolution, biomass based large volume and flexible wearable supercapacitors, standalone hydrolysis device can directly be used in sea water and Artificial Intelligence technique based algorithm for device performance prediction both for energy storage device and chemicals.
  • Lecture|2024年“工程师走进课堂”系列讲座-第九讲-显微形貌测量技术简介
  • Research|At the Edge of Graphene-Based Electronics (From Georgia Tech Web)
  • Lecture|2022年“工程师走进课堂”系列讲座—第十二讲 从亚毫米到纳米提供微观结构以及原位表征手段
  • Lecture|2022年“交叉科学与技术”系列讲座—第七讲 贝里曲率相关的新型霍尔和磁电阻效应

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