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Lecture|2021年“探索科学基础”系列讲座一 Structures and Dynamics of Metallic Clusters

Thu, Aug 26 2021 09:00 AM 


Prof. Dr. Bernd von Issendorff   KFS candidate 2020

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Physikalisches Institut

Current Research Focus

Studying structure and dynamics of nanoscale matter

  • Electronic and geometric structure of metallic, semiconducting and molecular clusters

  • Ultrafast relaxation of electronic excitations, coherent electron dynamics

  • Phase transitions in clusters

  • Magnetic properties of nanoscale matter

  • Dynamics in strong light fields

  • Development of new measurement techniques for use at synchrotrons and FELs

Scientific Career

  • 2011 Permanent position at the University of Freiburg

  • 2006 Appointment as associate professor at the University of Freiburg

  • 2003 Appointment as university lecturer at the University of Freiburg

  • 2001 Habilitation in physics at the University of Freiburg

  • 1996-2003 Assistant at the University of Freiburg


  • 2013 Reinhart-Koselleck-Project of the DFG (together with Th. Möller, TU Berlin)   

  • 1995 Research Fellowship at the Birmingham University

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