
英文版 中文版


EIGHT|Hydrogen Energy

    Hydrogen energy, as a renewable and clean chemical fuel, has a very high calorific value (1.43×108 J·kg-1) and energy density (0.0899 g·L-1). It is one of the most ideal clean and renewable energy sources without producing greenhouse gases in the process of replacing fossil fuels. Currently, most of the studied meth...
SEVEN|Clusters Theoretical Arithmetic

    Clusters are relatively stable microscopic and submicroscopic collectives composed of several or even thousands of atoms, molecules or ions through physical or chemical binding forces. As transition states between atoms and solids, clusters have attracted extensive attention due to the existence of novel properties ...
SIX|In Situ Detection and Chemical Analysis

    The micro in-situ electrochemical detection technology breaks the limitations of traditional macro testing, providing rich electrochemical information with high time and space resolution to reveal the nature of materials. Scanning electrochemical cell microscope (SECCM), the latest generation of in-situ scanning ele...
FIVE|Graphene-based All Carbon Integrated Circuit

    In order to prepare a new generation chip with low contact resistance, high frequency and high integration, researchers need to find an ultra-thin material with excellent interface, high mobility and stable physical and chemical properties. Carbon materials have attracted widespread attention due to their excellent ...
FOUR|Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

    PanScan Freedom employed cryogen-free closed cryostat system, the lowest temperature of the sample stage can reach 8.6 K and the chamber vacuum below 10-11 mbar. The system compatible with STM and Q-Plus AFM modes, which can both visualize the surface structures with atomic scale resolution and measure electrical pr...
THREE|Ohmic Contact Engineering for Graphene

    The "contact" between semiconductors and metal electrodes is one of the key factors in 2D devices, which governs the charge carrier injection from metal to 2D channel. The energy level alignments (ELAs) at the 2D/metal interface play a dominant role in determining the Schottky barrier (SB) that leads to nonnegligibl...
TWO|Flexible Electronics

    In view of the current energy supply and energy storage problems of flexible wearable electronic devices, our group focuses on the preparation and construction of low dimensional nano inorganic/organic and composite thermoelectric materials and devices by chemical synthesis and physical deposition, besides the waste...
ONE|Graphene Based Sensors

    Graphene materials are very suitable for the development of sensors due to their huge specific surface area and excellent electrical conductivity. Our laboratory has mainly done some researches in the field of graphene-based gas sensors and graphene-based biosensors.
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Succesful launching of the 20K electromagnetic deflection position sensitive time-of-flight mass spectrometer.
(Nov.19th 2020)
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Congratulations on the first operation of Low Temprature Photoelectron Spectrometer!
(Feb. 2021)
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